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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁ́IʷV(n)da
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: fence
Abkhaz: ā́nda
Ubykh: wǝdʷá
Comments: Abkh. ā́nda goes back to PAT *ʕanǝda < *ʁ́Ianǝda with delabialisation; Ub. wǝdʷá presupposes PWC *ʁ́Iʷǝ(n)dʷa. We should probably reconstruct a compromising *ʁ́IʷV(n)da with labialising/delabialising assimilations in Ub. and Abkh.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁʷa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: yellow
Abkhaz: a-ʕʷa-́ž́
Abaza: ʕʷa-ž́
Adyghe: ʁʷa-ž́ǝ
Kabardian: ʁʷa-ź
Ubykh: ʁʷa
Comments: PAT *ʕʷa-ž́ǝ. Shagirov 1, 133 considers it as borrowed from AK; we would rather follow Dumézil 1932, 124 and regard it as a genuine cognate - but possibly influenced by PAK *ʁʷa-ž́ǝ́. In PAK there exists an independent form *ʁʷa (Ad., Kab. ʁʷa 'yellow, reddish').
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁʷa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: hole, burrow
Abkhaz: á-ʕʷa-ra
Abaza: ʕʷa-ra
Adyghe: ʁʷǝ
Kabardian: ʁʷa
Ubykh: ʁʷa
Comments: PAT *ʕʷa-ra (a building with a productive suffix -ra; without it cf. Abkh. a-gʷa-ʕʷa 'hollow (of a tree)'); PAK *ʁʷV.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁʷa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to seem 2 to think, suppose
Abaza: ʕʷa-rá 1
Adyghe: gʷǝ-ʁa-n 2
Kabardian: gʷǝ-ʁa-n 2
Ubykh: ʁʷa- 2
Comments: Ub. a-z-ʁʷá-n. The Abaz. verb is used in expressions like sgʷǝ ʕʷ-iṭ "it seems to me" (lit. "my heart thinks"). The PAK form *gʷǝ-ʁa- has a delabialised *ʁ as a result of contamination with another PWC stem, *ǵʷǝ-Ga- 'to hope' q.v. (PAK *gʷǝ-ʁa- means both 'to think, suppose' and 'to hope'). See Shagirov 1, 115.
Proto-West-Caucasian: [*ʁʷa-]
Meaning: lative preverb (from)
Ubykh: ɣʷa-
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁʷaʁʷa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to thunder, to rumble
Adyghe: ʁʷaʁʷa-n
Kabardian: ʁʷaʁʷa-n
Comments: PAK *ʁʷaʁʷa-.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁʷǝmǝ ( ~ Gʷ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thick (of objects with circular surface)
Adyghe: ʁʷǝmǝ
Kabardian: ʁʷǝm
Comments: PAK *ʁʷǝmǝ́. Shagirov's (1,137) attempt to analyse the PAK form as 'board' (PWC *Gʷǝ, not retained in AK) + 'thick' (*mǝ, a root which does not exist) was certainly unsuccessful.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁʷǝndʷA
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 gadfly 2 small bird, bird
Adyghe: ʁʷǝdǝ 1
Kabardian: ʁʷǝda 1
Ubykh: ʁʷǝ(n)dʷǝ́ 2
Comments: Deriving Ub. ʁʷǝ(n)dʷǝ́ from ʁʷǝnǝ 'tree' (see Dirr 77) is obviously a folk etymology. Kab. ʁʷǝda > Abaz. ʕʷǝda (see Шагиров 1, 137).
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁʷǝnǝ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: tree
Ubykh: ʁʷǝnǝ́
Comments: Isolated in Ub. with the only possible parallels in EC (despite Dumézil 1932,124 the root has nothing to do with PAK *wǝna, PAT *ʕʷǝnǝ 'house').
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁʷV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to dry out, get dry
Abkhaz: a-ʕʷa-rá
Abaza: ʕʷa-ra
Adyghe: ʁʷǝ-n
Kabardian: ʁʷǝ-n
Ubykh: ʁǝ-
Comments: PAT *ʕʷa-, PAK *ʁʷǝ-. Not quite clear is the loss of labialization in Ub. The root serves also as a basis for the adjective 'dry' in all languages: Abkh. a-ʕʷá, Abaz. jǝ-r-ʕʷu, Ad. ʁʷǝ-ʁa, Kab. ʁʷǝ-r, Ub. ʁ-q̇a.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁʷV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 person 2 self
Abkhaz: a-wa-ʕʷǝ́ 1
Abaza: ʕʷǝ 1
Ubykh: ʁʷa 2
Comments: PAT *ʕʷǝ (in Abkh. - only within a compound with *wa- q.v.); Ub. def. a-ʁʷá. It is not quite clear how this morpheme in PAT correlates with its plural counterpart - *-ʕa in *wa-ʕa 'people' (Abkh. a-wā́, Abaz. waʕa).
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁʷV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: smoke
Abkhaz: á-l-ʕʷa
Abaza: lʕʷa
Adyghe: ʡʷǝ-ʁʷ
Kabardian: ʡʷǝ-ʁʷa
Ubykh: ʁʷa
Comments: PAT *lǝ-ʕʷa (for the etymology of *lǝ- see *Ła). PAK *ʡʷǝ́-ʁʷa - a compound with an unclear first component. Resemblance to PWC *ʁʷa 'yellow' is of course quite coincidental (despite Шагиров 2, 161).
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁ́ʷV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to bleat 2 to moo, bellow 3 to roar
Abkhaz: á-bʕʷʕʷ-ra 2
Adyghe: ʁʷa-n 1
Ubykh: ʁ́a- 2,3
Comments: PAK *ʁʷa- (the same root is present in *ʁʷa-χʷa- 'to roar' > Ad., Kab. ʁʷaχʷa-n, *ʁʷa-ɣǝ- 'to weep loudly' > Ad., Kab. ʁʷaɣǝ-n, *ʁʷa-wǝ́ 'herald, public crier' > Ad. ʁʷawǝ, Kab. ʁʷow, see Shagirov 1,135); Ub. a-ʁ́á-n.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁ́ʷV (~ɣ́ʷ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 good 2 of high quality, fitting 3 fresh, young
Adyghe: daʁʷǝ 1
Kabardian: daʁʷa 2
Ubykh: dā́ʁ́a 3
Comments: PAK *daʁʷÁ. The element *da- is the same as in PAK *da-xá 'beautiful' and Ad. da-jǝ 'bad'.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ʁʷVrǝʁʷV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: eagle-owl
Abkhaz: a-ṭǝ́-ʕʷarʕʷar
Adyghe: tǝ-ʁʷrǝʁʷǝ
Kabardian: dǝ-ʁʷrǝʁʷ
Comments: PAK *t:ǝ-ʁʷrǝʁʷǝ́. Reflected in both subgroups is a compound; for the first component see PWC *ṭǝ / *t:ǝ, PNC *ṭɨ̆mɦV.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *-j-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: masc. sing. subj./poss. class marker
Abkhaz: i-
Abaza: j(ǝ)-
Kabardian: i-
Proto-West-Caucasian: *-j-
Meaning: 1 inanim. sing. and anim./inanim. plur. obj. class marker; general obj. class marker in participles 2 3d p. (indirect?) object
Abkhaz: i- 1
Abaza: j(ǝ)- 1
Adyghe: ja- 2
Kabardian: ja- 2
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ja
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to lie 2 to sleep
Abkhaz: a-ja-rá 1
Adyghe: -ja-n 2
Kabardian: -jǝ-n 2
Comments: In PAK the root may be discovered within the compound *č:ǝ-ja- 'to sleep' (see *ƛ:ʷa 'sleep').
Proto-West-Caucasian: *jA
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: a demonstrative stem
Abkhaz: ja-rá
Abaza: ja-ra
Adyghe: jǝj
Kabardian: jǝ, jej
Ubykh: jǝ-
Comments: In PAT used as the 3d p. pronoun *ja-ra 'he'; cf. also *jǝ (Abkh. j(ǝ)-, Abaz. j(ǝ)- the verbal prefix of the 3d person) and *-jǝ within complex demonstrative stems (*a-nǝ-jǝ 'that', *a-rǝ-jǝ 'this' > Abkh., Abaz. ani, ari etc.).

    In AK the root functions as the 3d p. possessive prefix (jǝ- 'his'), see Шагиров 1, 180.

    In Ubykh jǝ- is the demonstrative pronoun expressing near deixis ('this'); the same morpheme is probably used as a personal prefix of the 3d p. pl.

Proto-West-Caucasian: *jaɣ́a
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ashes
Adyghe: jāž́a
Kabardian: jāźa
Comments: PAK *jaž́á. The word has no PAT or Ub. parallels, but reliable correspondences in PEC - thus the inner PAK etymology proposed in Шагиров 1, 169 (ja- - same as in *jaṭa 'clay, dirt', -ž́a - related to PAK *ž́ǝ 'wind, air') seems less convincing.
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